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๐Ÿ“š The most worrisome health challenges in the future, according to LLMs

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
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What will the most worrisome global health challenge be in the next 30 years?

I asked to ten Large Language Models the same question: "What will the most worrisome global health challenge be in the next 30 years?".

In this quick blog post, you can find a bullet-point summary of their most common answers:

  • Antimicrobial resistance: As bacteria, viruses, and fungi evolve to resist existing treatments, AMR could become a formidable challenge, leading to a situation where common infections and minor injuries could once again become deadly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already flagged AMR as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity (taken from GPT4)
  • Climate change: Climate change is expected to have a profound impact on global health, exacerbating existing health challenges and creating new ones. This includes the spread of vector-borne diseases (like malaria and dengue fever) into new areas, increased frequency of heatwaves leading to heat stress and dehydration, and more severe natural disasters affecting public health infrastructure (taken from Reka-Core)
  • Non communicable diseases: The problem is that NCDs (like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases) are already the leading causes of death globally. Their prevalence is expected to rise further due to aging populations, unhealthy lifestyles, and environmental factors. This is worrisome because NCDs place a significant burden on healthcare systems and economies, impacting individuals, families, and societies. Promoting healthy lifestyles, implementing preventive measures, and ensuring access to affordable and quality healthcare services are essential to address NCDs. (taken from Gemini-1.5 PRO)
  • Pandemics and Infectious Diseases: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how quickly infectious diseases can spread globally. Future pandemics, such as those caused by influenza, SARS, or MERS, could have devastating consequences. The increasing frequency and severity of outbreaks are exacerbated by factors like global travel, urbanization, and antimicrobial resistance. (taken from Llama-3 70B instruct)
  • Inequalities (both in health and in society): Disparities in healthcare access and outcomes will widen, leading to increased health inequities. Ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare will be a major global priority (taken from Gemma-7B 1.1)
  • Mental health: Mental health conditions are already a significant burden globally, and the stress and isolation caused by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic instability, and social unrest are likely to exacerbate this challenge (taken from Qwen-32B-Chat)
  • Rising technologies and their ethical implications: The rapid advancement of technology, such as artificial intelligence and gene editing, could also present new challenges and ethical dilemmas in the field of healthcare. While these technologies have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, they also raise complex questions about privacy, equity, and the potential for misuse (taken from CommandR Plus)

Opinions required!

Now that we have read through the answers to our starting issue, there are still two questions that crawl in our minds: can AI be used to advise us on future challenges and suggest solutions? Can we leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence models in order to build a better future for the coming generations?

These interrogatives should concern all of us, as it is today's commitment that defines tomorrow's success: let's be proactive and try to find solutions, then, so that we will be able to give our contribution toward the improvement of humanity and Planet Earth!

Let me know what you think about this topics in the comments below!

The cover image was generated with Pollinations AI


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