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📚 Apple’s Voice Memos, Notes, and other apps said to gain AI transcription capability

💡 Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
🔗 Quelle:

With Apple's Voice Memos, you can use iPhone as a portable recording device to record personal notes, classroom lectures, musical…

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📌 Apple’s Voice Memos, Notes, and other apps said to gain AI transcription capability

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📌 Apple Might Bring AI Transcription To Voice Memos and Notes

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📌 Elcomsoft Phone Breaker 9.20 extracts Screen Time passwords and Voice Memos from iCloud

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📌 'Only Voice Memos Can Save Us From the Scourge of Email'

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📌 How To Name Voice Memos By Location On iOS

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📌 How To Access iOS Voice Memos On Windows 10

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📌 How To Access iOS Voice Memos On Windows 10

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📌 Office 365 adds transcription, voice commands in Word for the web

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📌 Hear it, see it, understand it: Skype unveils voice message transcription

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📌 Die besten Android-Apps für Notizen und Memos

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📌 Die besten Android-Apps für Notizen und Memos

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