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๐Ÿ“š tsx+wat=? A new idea for wasm modularization

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Access to the web ecosystem of wasm allows for easy type checking, syntax highlighting, and function level testing.

Performance improvement of 1.3 - 1.5 times for computational functions, due to the simd support, the image processing functions will be boosted a bit more, 3-10 times.

Here are some example code and online demos

Image description

function Add() {
  const $a = <param.i32 />
  const $b = <param.i32 />
  const $ret = <result.i32 />
  return (
    <Func params={[$b, $a]} ret={$ret}>
      <local.get var={$a} />
      <local.get var={$b} />
      <i32.add />

export default (
    <Export value={Add} />
function Fib() {
  const $n = <param.i32 />;
  const $ret = <result.i32 />;
  return (
    <Func params={[$n]} ret={$ret}>
      <local.get var={$n} />
      <i32.const value={2} />
      <i32.lt_u />
      <If ret={$ret}>
          <local.get var={$n} />
          <local.get var={$n} />
          <i32.const value={1} />
          <i32.sub />
          <Call fn={Fib} />
          <local.get var={$n} />
          <i32.const value={2} />
          <i32.sub />
          <Call fn={Fib} />
          <i32.add />
export default (
    <Export value={Fib} />


๐Ÿ“Œ tsx+wat=? A new idea for wasm modularization

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